Monthly Archives: October 2008
By Marc | October 31st, 2008
This is the story of a man… After a quicky ‘lets throw this out there’ release earlier in the year, Gurren Lagann finally gets it’s ‘real’ release. Let’s take a look at what’s what in this box. (as always, spoiler free) Categories: Feature
By Marc | October 29th, 2008
Thought this was a big enough deal to mention here. MTV started a new music site called MTV Music (yes yes, start the jokes now) that has nearly every music video ever, and will keep adding. Categories: Uncategorized
By Marc | October 25th, 2008
Just a small early look due to to many crazy papers (7 page script, full fictional production schedule… 3 paper rewrites….and more….gahhhh). So let’s go ahead and take a look at Tuesday’s release of Ouran High School Host Club, Part1. Categories: Feature
By Marc | October 14th, 2008
Little nugget of exclusive (as far as I’m aware) info from your friendly neighborhood SpiderMarc… The new Avengers cartoon will be recorded at anime favorite studio Studiopolis, and they are currently in the midst of trying out some of your favorite actors. Could we get a Crispin Freeman Ant Man? A Kyle Hebert Thor? Wendee Lee as the Wasp? Who knows, but it’ll be interesting (and does this bode well for a Steve Blum guest appearance as everyone’s favorite snikt bub mutant Wolverine?) Not really an anime actor, but I’d love Frank Welker to get cast as Hulk and do his Krunk voice. {That cast stuff is just me theorizing, minus a few people I have no knowledge of anyone specific trying out..} ….AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will update with more when/if I’m allowed to say more… Categories: News
By Marc | October 7th, 2008
Still trying to catch up on papers from being sick (still a bit sick in fact) so no in depth review until the weekend, but some early looking for everyone. I think for alot of people this will be the set that is used to decide if Funimation knows what they are doing with their new way of doing boxsets. Continue reading Categories: Feature
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