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Guilty Crown (Blu-ray), Early Review
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features title
The Fanboy Review is Open
By Marc | August 6th, 2008

Welcome to The Fanboy Review.

We’ve launched TFR as a place to report the news of, review, and just talk about the kind of stuff we like. I previously reported news at WtW News (and in fact still own it), but because it was a Digimon site it was hard for people at other sites to take the news we broke seriously. With WtW merging with another site it no longer made sense for non Digimon news to be reported at the site.

Some of our staff you may recognize from quite a few places, but we are all posting under our names instead of alias’ that we use around the net. I’m sure everyone on staff will introduce themselves in their initial reviews, and we will append that information onto the about page.

When we do reviews of shows and anime, whenever possible we plan on embedding the episode right in the review for you to watch (when legal choices are available). While we do have ads on the site we chose the least intrusive setup possible. There is an Amazon searchbox that is connected to our affiliate account, and on review pages there will be an Amazon ad at the bottom connected to what was reviewed.

We can’t promise we will be the best, but we hope to be as honest as we can. When the site first opens, as long as there aren’t any issues, it won’t be necessary to register to post, but I still invite everyone to register so we know who you are. If you believe a review is wrong, we will officially have ‘counter reviews’ on the site. If you believe a review needs to bed one by someone else, because the review isn’t fair, isn’t good, or any other reason, post about it. If a few people want a counter review, the staff will discuss whether we think it is necessary, and if so, specifically re-review it as as counterpoint to the original review.

Not much else to say for now. We intend to have a podcast soon, and we will also be the host for the Daizex podcast post-Otakon. I hope you enjoy the site, we’ve spent a decent amount of time trying to make it look good, and come up with some decent content (which will start appearing over the next few days), hopefully with an interview or two in the upcoming weeks and months, so… here we go.

And to finish this overtly serious post, we wanted a montage of the history of the staff, but since we were lazy, we’ve gone with this montage from South Park… Enjoy!

Categories: Editorial, Feature
  • http://street-streetmachine.blogspot.com/ Alex

    Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!
