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Tag Archives: Marvel Comics
Avengers Season 2?
By Marc | September 15th, 2009

I recently got some info that the cast of the upcoming Avengers cartoon (which recently wrapped recording for Season 1) have been informed that Season 2 has already been greenlit based on the quality of episodes coming in.
One thing of interest to add.  Recently Marvel regained animated and television rights to Spider-Man, is it possible the wall crawler may feature in Season 2?


Avengers, and all related characters – © 2009 Marvel Comics. All Rights Reserved.

Categories: News
Amazing Spider-Man #600 Review
By Justin | July 26th, 2009

At first I’d planned to kick this off with a joke, and then I realized I am just not that funny. So, whatever, its Spider-Man!
So, Spidey’s made something of a milestone for himself in the comic world with his book, The Amazing Spider-Man, reaching its 600th issue. Six hundred issues. That’s an impressive number of books, to say the least. I can’t even fathom what such a collection would look like.
But that isn’t the only thing Marvel had in store for us, simply not content to let a momentous occasion like this to slip by, the book boasts over one hundred pages and a variety of short stories.
There’s seriously a lot of book here. Now to find out if it lives up to its special treatment…. Continue reading

Categories: Comic Review, Reviews
Wolverine: Weapon X #1 and #2 Review
By Rachel Oliver | May 28th, 2009

Wolverine. Certainly one of the most popular and well-known comic heroes (or anti-heroes, I should probably say). Combined with the fact that he was the focus of a live-action movie that was released just a few weeks ago, it should come as a shock to no one that he has a new series related to his Weapon X days. But is it any good, or is it just a forgettable cash-in on the movie?
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Categories: Comic Review, Reviews
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 Review
By Rachel Oliver | May 24th, 2009

Marvel Comics has begun a new miniseries that may just be one of the greatest ideas of all time: a series starring Lockjaw and other famous super animals from the Marvel universe. This includes Kitty Pryde’s Lockheed, Falcon’s Redwing, Speedball’s Niels (AKA “Hairball”), Aunt May’s Ms. Lion, and…a frog Thor? What?
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Categories: Comic Review, Reviews