Dragon Ball Contest Winners
By Marc | September 27th, 2009
It’s time to announce the winners of the Dragon Ball contest.

This was actually a really tough one, because quite a few of the entries were really good stories. I ended up picking two stories, and one amusing little aspect that has always made me smile myself.
First place is Joe Ricard.
Second place is Jack Bass.
Third place is Matt Fritz.
Here’s Joe’s entry:
If it can really be considered a “thing” then I’d say my favorite thing about Dragonball is sharing it with my nephew’s over the years.
Being an Uncle since I was six months old and having more neices and nephews come about over the years there always seems to be someone at just the right age to introduce to Goku and the gang.
When I was first getting into the series, I’d buy the VHS releases and bring them over to my sisters to watch with a nephew only a couple years younger than myself. When the “season sets” came about I bought the first one and would watch a few episodes every day with a nephew who would come to my house after school until his mother would pick him up after work. Finally I have a nephew who lives in Virginia and that I only see a couple of times a year. Everytime he visits, he checks my bookshelf to see how many new volumes of the manga I’ve gotten so that he can take them upstairs and read them before bed.
While the last nephew I mentioned is the only one with a continued interest in the series, I still enjoyed the time I spent with the others watching Goku and co. engaging in their crazy adventures and can’t wait for others to be old enough (not to mention when I have kids of my own) to introduce them to “Bloomers and the Monkey King”.
Here’s Jack’s:
Kame Sennin’s pafu pafu!
Makes me laugh so hard every single time! Bulma’s shoryuken follow up is just icing on the cake in that particular scene.
And Matt’s:
My favorite “thing” is by and large the VHS tapes of the first 13 episodes of Dragon Ball I received for Christmas when I was 10 years-old. I’ve watched those tapes at least a dozen times over the years, and now I hope to finally win (if not, buy) these episodes without all the edits and a Japanese track.
Now to go ahead and reveal all the prizes.
First place obviously gets the Dragonball set.
Second place will get to choose between the Bardock and Trunks’ singles, while Third will get the remaining single.
Got lots of great entries and I’ll post more up in a week or so. And stay tuned, a few more DB related contests may be coming soon (and the next one, assuming it happens, is very likely to get far more entries than this one), and I may even end up awarding a few extra prizes for this one…
Categories: Contest,